Sunday, January 06, 2008


La acest site veti gasi o firma super faina de recrutare personal pentru Romania si nu numai...
Au joburi ptr domeniul hotelier, constructii, soferi, tot ...ce-i site nu apar decat cateva joburi...insa pot sa va zic ca daca trimiteti va recomand sa trimiteti doar date de contact ( ptr ca o sa va contacteze ei din nou sa va ceara cv-ul) ...veti fi contactati si sigur se va gasi un job.

At this address you will find a nice recruitment company, that recruits personel for Romania, and Europe.
They have jobs in the hotel industry, construction, drivers, IT...actually..everything...but..on the site they only have a few job postings... I can tell you, that if you send your resume...which I recommend..( do not send just the contact details...cause they will get back to you for more details like : resume... :) ) will be contacted...and they will try to find you the desired job...

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Aici veti gasi cateva link-uri interesante, unele cu date oficiale legate de emigrare in Australia.

Here you will find some interesting links, some of them with official statements, related to immigration in Australia.

Acest blog se vrea a fi un blog despre faptul ca exista si romani fericiti...insa majoritatea pe care i-am cunoscut, fie personal sau sunt in ROMANIA, ci in strainatate, fie USA, UK, Germania, Australia, Canada sau Noua Zeelanda.

Multi am vrea sa fim avem sansa sa crestem la job, sa ne permitem un credit pentru o casa, fie ea casa cu gradina sau doar un simplu apartament la bloc, o masina si in fiecare an, un bine meritat concediu.
Pentru multi dintre noi, asta ramane un vis. Pentru ceilalti, care au avut curajul sa isi urmeze visul, exista posibilitatea de a emigra.

Acest blog va contine mai multe detalii despre emigrare, despre joburi in Romania si in afara ei.
De ce e nevoie de asa ceva? Pentru ca multi spun ca stiu ce iti trebuie pentru a emigra in Canada, sau NZ...etc..dar putini sunt dispusi sa iti ofere ajutorul ( care ei nu l-au avut).

Continutul va fi si in engleza, pentru ca cei ce intra pe site si nu cunosc limba, sa poata lasa si ei comentarii.

This is a blog that presents the fact, that there are some happy romanians...but, most of those happy romanians that i met presonally or online, do not live in Romania, but in USA, Germany, UK, Australia, Canada or New Zealand.
Many of us would like to be really happy, to have the chance to grow in a company, to have a credit for a house ( house with garden or just a plain apartment), a car, and of course, every year, a well diserved holiday.
For most of us, this is a dream. For the others, that had the courage to follow their dreams, it is called IMMIGRATION.
This blog will try to put up some information about immigration in different regions of the world, will have job opportunities inside and outside Romania....You may ask why we need this...the answer is very simple..lots of those who live elsewhere, say they know what it takes to immigrate..but less are willing to offer you the support ( they never had).

The blog will be also in english, so the ones that do not understand romanian, can also post their comments.